Sunday 2 June 2013

Dreams Of Happiness And Bliss

I wrote this poem over 10 years ago, while I was acting as a carer for my parents when they were very old and fragile, but re-reading it yesterday made me think how relevant the content is to what is happening in the world today, with a virtual mainstream media blackout on stories which show up governments in an especially bad light. I'm thinking especially about disabled and extremely sick people in the UK who have suffered as a result of the Work Capability Assessment as conducted by ATOS on behalf of the DWP.

Dreams Of Happiness And Bliss

We all dream of happiness and bliss,
That the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Will grant us this
But I am tired of how haphazard
And how erratic all this is.
I do not want to know celebrity gossip
Or who is in the A-list
Or to learn about the details
Of their phenomenal wealth.
It makes my stomach turn
When I’m confronted with the fact
Of the ailing health
Of those of modest means
Whose lifetime of honest toil
Invokes little gratitude
Or concern.

© Geoff Davis